Fall 2022 — Team 5 w/ Caitlyn Baensch, Elysha Tsai, Stefanie Suk
<aside> 👉 Create a typographic system to publish this text which can work from paper to pixels. This system will be used to design a readable, engaging, navigable typographic experience of this interview across three surfaces; mobile, newsprint, and desktop.
As we kicked off our second project, my group came together to brainstorm and to scope out similar interests that may determine the thematic concept of our project. In addition to that, we also looked at a variety of printed examples that Kelsey brought in!
Towards the end of class, when then individually brainstormed any people, themes, ideas we were interested in.
Before we met up on Tuesday, we continued to brainstorm in our own time. However, even though we had set out to list more people that we were interested in interviewing, I found that thinking about broader themes helped narrow down potential interviewees.
→ close up of some themes I thought of (some of my other comments I directly added to another frame so that it wouldn’t be redundant here) → first two columns are from in class, right most column was individual brainstorming
Then as we reviewed, discussed and marked down the ideas that stood out to us, we were able to then narrow it down to two main ideas:
In class, we presented these two ideas and got some good feedback! (as listed below).